Partnering Tour Companies & Perks

One of the biggest perks for working with Denali Park Adventures is the access you get to free tours, and significant discounts to local businesses. These can change from summer to summer, but generally speaking we profit from the opportunity to go on “fam tours” providing there’s space available on that tour. This means that you can potentially go rafting, flight seeing, or visit the Iditarod dogs all for free (+gratuity. They scratch our backs, we scratch theirs), not to mention being able to go on any Denali Park Adventure tours for free as well. When you factor in discounts that we receive from some restaurants, the railroad, souvenir shops, and outdoor gear stores, as well as discounts with select lodging, you stand to get to do a lot this summer, for minimal cost! We encourage everyone that comes to work in Denali to do as much as they can, so when you leave Alaska you’ll have a journal full of stories.